Over the last year Ohakune based NZ's leading fibre artist has created 12 quilts inspired by our whare whakamoemiti fundraising kaupapa. This donation is 34cm x 27cm in size and is number 2 in this series
More of her beautiful mahi can be found on her facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/merrilyngeorgeohakune/
Merrilyn George Art Quilt #2
- All funds raised go to our restoration fund for the whare whakamoemiti and are to be paid directly to our Pariha Restoration Project account
- This auction will run until 8pm on the 23rd of July. Should the minimum bid not be reached organisers have the option to extend this closing date
- The starting bid is the reserve for each of the auctions
- Any courier costs to deliver the art to the winner will be at the cost of the successful bidder
- Art work can be delivered at no cost to the winners for residents in the Ruapehu/Whanganui region