Our ongoing journey to rebuild this outstanding historical, cultural, architectural icon not just for today but, so our whare whakamoemiti can continue to stand tall as a beacon of support for the Raetihi community over the next 100 years could not be possible without the amazing support of not only our whānau and local community but from whānau, organisations and businesses around the motu who have so generously donated time and professional services to āwhi this kaupapa.
If you would like to read a little more about our journey so far we have bought together a 4-page information pānui which you can read it HERE.
As we aspire to raise the $1-million needed for our rebuild we will be sharing a number of opportunities to support this kaupapa over the coming months - ngā mihi
Givealittle fundraising campaign
With our renovation plans now finalised ahead of an application to Ruapehu District Council for Building Consent, we have launched a Givealittle campaign to complement our other fund-raising efforts. With a total build cost of around $1-million this is going to take time but no amount of pūtea is too big or small. Keen to donate? you can either scan the QR code or head directly to our Givealittle page HERE